Saturday, November 1, 2008

The Future of AABW -- Transition

Not sure how many folks will even see this, as I've let the blog go somewhat of late, and there isn't a high readership. For those die-hards who are interested in my postings, though, just a quick word of explanation.

I enjoy expressing my thoughts here at Blogspot, but I don't really like the format much. The format is cumbersome, and the commenting feature is crude. More than that, I don't really like being in such a "one-way-only" mode of communication.

As a result, I've set up a fledgling new discussion board and will be transitioning there over the next week or so. I will be posting editorials, news articles of interest and random thoughts, and members of the board will be able to not only respond to my comments but start their own threads as well.

Membership is by invitation only and limited to those whom I feel would be worthy contributors. If you've followed AABW for a while and are interested in joining, please read this FAQ and the follow the directions at the end.

Thanks everyone!


Vicki Cana said...

Thank you Charles for your insights over the course of the election. I stumbled upon your blog at a time when I was running away fron the bias I saw on CNN, and the frequent use of 'hot' language on a few blogs I had found. Hope I don't offend you when I say yours was a relatively 'safe' place for me to get some insight, as I became more and more interested in Senator Obama's campaign. With the election coming to a close,and considering that I'm very slow at blogging and know precious little about American politics, I'll be renouncing my addiction. Thank you for your input in the weeks I've been here. God bless you, and best wishes!

soozzie said...

Aloha, Charles -- it has been a pleasure. Like Vicki, I'm looking forward to less blogging, at least on political subjects, once we have secured the White House. I've bookmarked your FAQs, though, and you may hear from me if the mood strikes. But I have enjoyed and appreciated all your work.

Charles M. Kozierok said...

Hey there... thanks for the replies, both of you! Really appreciated your frequent comments. And if you do want to sign up for the board, just drop me aline.