Wednesday, September 10, 2008

Joe Biden: "Hillary Might Have Been a Better Pick Than Me"

Well, well, isn't this interesting! Joe Biden, out on the stump today, singing Hillary Clinton's praises, pausing, and then going so far as to say she might have been a better pick than he was?

Joe Biden does have a well-known habit of running at the mouth, but this strikes me as a really weird thing to profer forth while talking. I mean, saying Clinton was qualified to be VP in response to a question (I presume) makes sense. But why add that extra bit in?

Only he really knows, but this definitely makes my crazy Hillary Screen Pass idea seem a bit less crazy. Hmm....


soozzie said...

As I understand it, Biden was responding to a direct statement from an audience member that the audience member was glad Biden was picked for VP and not Hillary. It doesn't cost Biden anything to be magnanimous, especially since the tenor of the republican-democratic campaign has gone so negative so quickly. I think is also makes sense that Biden plays up Hillary, since unfortunately the republicans would like this to be the the woman candidate/experience optional campaign. But I'm not entirely discounting your October surprise scenario....

GOPstopper said...

This comment was just Biden being humble. I know, it throws you for a loop to see a pol try to act humble.

But to change VPs, now that would be political suicide. It would flip-flopping opportunism, and an admission of poor judgment on the first choice. Bad, bad move. It won't happen.